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Jocky Wilson

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:25 pm
by Dicie

Re: Jocky Wilson

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:01 pm
by Geo67
Nice one

Re: Jocky Wilson

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:50 pm
by Lee Taylor
Remember watching this, a really enjoyable game.

Re: Jocky Wilson

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:03 pm
by StevieB
Also remember watching this game also
and have happened to have played jocky once way back in 1977ish in a bar in Scotland
and later in 1979 when at Wembley conference centre

I was at a Marlborough tournament at Wembley when jocky shouted over when i was at the bar
and he came around and asked where i was seated to which i pointed him in the direction
of our table .. as he came over joined us at our table for a time

i took him over to then my darting acquaintances i was
had a good laugh and then yrs after in 1986 whilst i was practicing in a bar in Scotland in a lounge
alone he jocky then happened to pop his head inside and asked is it ok he could have a throw
at the board with me .. to which i replied ye your welcome Jocky and so we throw back forth
for a while
i afterwards went to watch his game which he won easily 3/0 v some guy whom had sais to jocky
that he would win lol

I remember asking jocky how he got along with Eric Bristow in which he replied
fine and that it was only a Scotland v England like type game when they both played
and tried v one another and that outside the competing v one another that he Jocky
said both him and Eric were fine together and had fun

I noted later in yrs from all past players that it was Eric Bristow at Jockys funeral
in Kirkcaldy which tells you something .. great wee player whoms type are missed
i feel from todays game and same goes for both the late Leighton Rees
and still with us going strong but not competing at the top it seems Eric Bristow
guys like them are missed from Darts i feel in todays game

The darts i shared the board with Jocky with way back in 1977
one set i managed to keep from all these yrs ago
and Jocky picked up a bounce out for me in which he liked these darts
except the weight of them were on the light side for him

approx 18 grams vv


Re: Jocky Wilson

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:31 pm
by 10Darterme
Nice peace eh history and memories u have there in these old tungsten set of darts from way back

StevieB > tungsten in them days the darts were > proper tungsten darts .